Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Club Friday! My day with student clubs at American River College

Last week I attended two science-based student clubs on the American River College (ARC) campus, the Biotech Club and the Research Club.

I'm the Faculty Advisor for the ARC Biotech Club, and we started to get organized for the semester by selecting our club officers.

I also attended the ARC Research Club. Shih-Wen Young (Physics), the Faculty Advisor, helped students start the club last spring, and I serve as the Co-Advisor for the club.

At last week's meeting, the Research Club officers described the activities for the fall semester. 

Here's more information about the Brainwave Visualizer, which graphically represents your brain activity in real time.

So why should we support student clubs?

1. Clubs give students more hands-on experience with what we learn in the classroom.

2. Clubs give students opportunities to share and outreach to the community.

3. And we go on cool field trips!

In case you are interested:

The ARC Biotech Club meets 12 - 1 pm in Room 490 on Fridays arcbiotechclub@gmail.com

The ARC Research Club meets 3 - 4 pm in Room 307 on Fridays arcresearchclub@gmail.com

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