Monday, March 24, 2014

Some ARC Biortechnology Data

The ARC Biotechnology Program and North Valley Biotechnology Center is collecting data about its biotechnology education activities. Some data is compiled here:

Student survey data

Thursday, March 13, 2014

A Twitter Office Hour

I did not expect this, but today I had a Twitter Office Hour!

Another question:

And still more questions:

Nevertheless, test anxiety still remains...

But a teacher can always be hopeful...

Monday, March 10, 2014

Your perspective needed! Los Rios Community College District Employee Perceptions Survey

The Los Rios Community College District is now conducting its Employee Perceptions survey. Check your campus email for a message from Betty Glyer-Culver (District Office) with a link to the online survey.

The survey is confidential and easy to complete. It doesn't take much time to answer the survey questions, and with the myriad of issues facing our college and district, your perspective is important.

Here are examples of the questions

And I like the opportunity to provide comments at the end to explain my ratings.
Comments: Please use the box below to clarify any of your responses to the questions above and to add any comments that you believe reflect other important information about how the District is doing or about your level of satisfaction as an employee of Los Rios Community College District.

Disclosure: Because I am involved in the ARC Reaffirmation of Accreditation process, the college also needs your perspectives to help us with the Self-Evaluation Report. So please participate!

Why you should watch COSMOS

March 9 was the world premiere for the new COSMOS series with Neil deGrasse Tyson. In case you missed the episode, you can watch the first episode now on Amazon Instant Video

And you can view the episode online at COSMOSOnTV...I'm watching the episode here on FOX

Some reasons why I like COSMOS:


Explore the Universe

Science and Religion

Some other views on the COSMOS coverage of Church history 

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

COSMOS: A SPACETIME ODYSSEY | Q&A Event with the COSMOS Brain Trust (March 4, 2014)

Session with COSMOS host Neil deGrasse Tyson, writer/executive producer/director Ann Druyan, executive producer Seth MacFarlane, executive producer Mitchell Cannold, executive producer/director Brannon Braga and co-executive producer Jason Clark